Westmorland and Furness Music Service

Big Sing KS1

We look forward to meeting you and your pupils for our Cumbria Music Hub event. Here are a few things to help you prepare, including the song resources and event information

If you have any questions please email your Hub Event Lead who will be happy to help:

Sarah Kekus
Kaytie Harding
Beth Billington

Jack and the Beanstalk

The resources are available to download in folders below:

Cow for Sale

Climbing up the Beanstalk

Creepy Castle

Fee Fi Fo Fum

The Giant's Harp

Down Came that Mighty Beanstalk

Narrated Story with Songs

The Goodbye Song

Circle of Life

Circle of Life Backing Track

Digging the Garden

Digging the Garden Backing Track

Flower Power

Flower Power Backing Track

Harvest for the World

Harvest for the World Backing Track

I Love the Flowers

I Love the Flowers Backing Track

Little April Showers

Little April Showers Backing Track

Oats and Beans and Barley Grow

Oats and Beans and Barley Grow Backing Track

Our Wonderful World

Our Wonderful World Backing Track

Step by Step

Step by Step Backing Track

You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine Backing Track

Event Information

School Responsibilities

Schools are required to:

- take responsibility and supervise their group at all times

- communicate with parents/carers about the event

- prepare children to take part in the event, rehearse and prepare for the day provide us with information regarding photo consent for pupils when requested

- organise any transport to and from the event if required

- provide the correct ratio of adults to children throughout the event

- have the correct lists and contact details for their group

- take responsibility for the First Aid and medical requirements of their pupils

- prepare appropriate risk assessments in line with school policy

Safeguarding and Special Requirements

- We want every child to feel safe and included during the workshop.

- Please let us know if you have any children with mobility or special needs so we can work with you to accommodate their needs.

- Most of our venues are fully accessible but in some it may be limited, such as the stage area. If you’d like more information about access in the venue please get in touch with the hub event lead.

- If a child would benefit from coming early to have a look around and meet the team please let us know and we will be very happy to organise this.

- Cumbria Music Staff will wear branded polo shirts at events so they are easy to identify by staff and pupils. We are committed to ensuring that we keep young people safe.

- We have appropriate procedures in place and use the Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership for advice and guidance.

- Music Service staff have enhanced DBS checks as well as on-line safeguarding training.

Photo & Video Consent

We would like to take photos and videos of the event.

We will not take photos or videos of children who do not have consent and these pupils will not be excluded from participating fully in the event.

Please identify these pupils to a member of our staff as soon as you arrive at the event.

Please complete the photo consent form on behalf of your group and return to your hub event leader. 

Photography & Video Consent Form

Risk Assessments

Schools are responsible for preparing their own risk assessment.

We have a risk assessment for the event which is available for schools to use, however, it doesn’t cover getting children to and from the event.

CMH Risk Assesment 2023


Some of our venues have limited toilet facilities. To reduce waiting time and overcrowding in the toilet area we will sometimes encourage you to take children to the toilet throughout the workshop as required. Our hub lead will notify you of arrangements for the day.

Drinks and Snacks

We will have at least one short break during our events. Please ask children to bring water to drink and a snack if required. Please encourage children to bring a snack that is easy to eat in your designated seating areas.


Children should come to our events in normal school uniform.

Teachers’ refreshments

In most of our venues we will arrange tea/coffee for teachers and adult helpers on a self-serve basis. This is usually a kitchen area where you can help yourself throughout the workshop. It would be helpful if you are able to bring your own thermal, covered mug to use.


We welcome you feedback to help us improve future music hub events. We’d be very grateful if you could complete a short evaluation form. Link to evaluation form