Westmorland and Furness Music Service

Music Education Hub Roles

We work as a partnership to achieve the vision and aims of the National Plan for Music Education.

As a hub we work to ‘build a sustainable local eco-system for music education, through partnerships, with progression, access and inclusion central’, and to enable all children to access to ‘a broad musical culture’ through ‘expertise, instruments, technology and facilities they need to learn, create and share their music.’


To enable all children and young people to learn to sing, play an instrument and create music together, and have the opportunity to progress their musical interests and talents, including professionally.

This means all children:

  • experience a broad musical culture in schools and education settings, accessing high-quality curricular and co-curricular music, and progressing into appropriate qualifications 
  • access the expertise, instruments, technology and facilities they need to learn, create and share their music 
  • engage with a range of enrichment opportunities to play and sing, to perform, create and experience live music, and have their music heard 
  • have opportunities to progress their musical interests and talents, and routes into a variety of music careers 
  • are supported by a skilled and dynamic workforce

3 Goals

1: All children and young people receive a high-quality music education in the early years and in schools

2: All music educators to work in partnership with children and young people’s needs and interests at their heart

3: All children and young people with musical interests and talents to have the opportunity to progress their interests and potential, including professionally

5 Strategic functions


Take a leading role in building a sustainable, local infrastructure for high-quality music education and music-making, in partnerships with schools, early years and other education providers, community music organisations, and other regional and national youth music organisations. Capture this offer in a Local Plan for Music Education


Support all state-funded schools in the area through ongoing relationships to help them deliver high-quality music education, including a quality curriculum support offer, specialist tuition, instruments and ensembles; and a broad range of progression routes and musical experiences for all pupils.

Progression and Musical Development

Support children and young people to develop and progress with music, including into national or specialist opportunities, higher education and employment, so that the chance to be involved in high-quality music-making is shared widely in our society. Support children and young people to access the wider world of music, including live performance and community music.


Drive broad access to music education, so every child has the opportunity to participate irrespective of their circumstances, background, where they live or their SEND.

Ensure the strategic, financial, and operational sustainability of the music hub by:

  • supporting a dynamic and well-trained workforce 
  • leveraging DfE funding to develop wider investment into young people’s music from a range of sources and revenue streams 
  • being accountable and transparent by publishing plans, needs analysis and impact data 
  • considering and acting in the hub’s environmental responsibilities.

The power of music to change lives: a national plan for music education

The new Nation Plan for Music, published in 2022, sets out the DfE vision for music education and how this can be achieved through partnerships with schools, music hubs, the music and creative sector, and others.